Plant: | Early Maturity |
Curd Weight: | 500 Gms |
Curd Shape: | Dome, Creamish White |
Harvesting: | 50-55 days after Transplanting |
Specifications: | Successful under high temperature and humid conditions |
Sowing Time: | May |
Plant: | Early Maturity |
Curd Weight: | 700-800 Gms |
Curd Shape: | Dome, smooth and white |
Harvesting: | 55-60 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | With stand high temperature and humid conditions |
Sowing Time: | June |
Plant: | Medium Early Maturity |
Curd Weight: | Up to 1 kg |
Curd Shape: | Dome, compact and pure white |
Harvesting: | 75-80 days alter transplanting |
Specifications: | Successful under humid conditions |
Sowing Time: | July |
Plant: | Medium Maturity |
Curd Weight: | 1-1.5kg |
Curd Shape: | Dome, compact and pure white |
Harvesting: | 75 days alter transplanting |
Sowing Time: | August |
Plant: | Medium Maturity |
Curd Weight: | 1.5 to 2.0 kgs |
Curd Shape: | Dome, compact and pure white |
Harvesting: | 80-90 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | Leaves protect curds from direct sunlight, Hence cured remain white for longer duration. |
Sowing Time: | September |
Plant: | Late Maturity Strain in Snow Ball group |
Curd Weight: | up to 2kg |
Curd Shape: | Dome, stone hard and pure white |
Harvesting: | 90 -95 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | Excellent self blanching leaf character which cover the curd up to 2.0 kg weight |
Sowing Time: | September to November |
Plant: | Late Maturity |
Curd Weight: | 1.5 to 2.0 kgs |
Curd Shape: | Dome, compact and pure white |
Harvesting: | 90 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | Leaves protect curds from direct sunlight, hence duration. |
Sowing Time: | October |
Plant: | mid to Late Maturity |
Curd Weight: | 1.5 to 2.0 kgs |
Curd Shape: | Dome, compact and pure white |
Harvesting: | 90 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | Excellent self balancing character i.e. leaves protect curds from direct sunlight, hence curds remain white for longer duration up to 1.5 kgs |
Sowing Time: | August to end October |
Plant: | Late Maturity |
Curd Weight: | 1.5 to 2.0 kgs |
Curd Shape: | Dome, compact and pure white |
Harvesting: | 90 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | Very good self blanching character i.e. leaves protect curd from direct sunlights |
Sowing Time: | September to October |
Plant: | Late Maturity |
Curd Weight: | 1.3 to 1.5kgs |
Curd Shape: | Dome, compact and pure white |
Harvesting: | 90-95 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | Good self blanching leaf character produces good quality curds even at lower temperature. |
Sowing Time: | September to November |
Plant: | Late Maturity, successful in snow Ball group. |
Curd Weight: | 1.5 to 1.5 kgs |
Curd Shape: | Dome, compact and snow white |
Harvesting: | 90 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | Excessive leaves with excellent self blanching leaf character |
Sowing Time: | September to November |
Plant: | Mid to Late Maturity |
Curd Weight: | upto 2.0 kg |
Curd Shape: | Dome,Compact and pure white |
Harvesting: | 90 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | Excellent self blanching leaf character i.e leaves protect curds from direct sunlight, hence curds remain white til exposed to sun. |
Sowing Time: | September to November |
Plant: | Late Maturity, excellent strain in Snow Ball group |
Curd Weight: | 1.5 to 2.0 kg |
Curd Shape: | Dome, compact and pure white |
Harvesting: | 90 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | Excellent self blanching leaf character which over the curd up to 2.0 kg weight. |
Sowing Time: | September to November |
Plant: | Late Maturity, excellent strain in Snow Ball group |
Curd Weight: | 1.5 to 2.0 kg |
Curd Shape: | Dome, very hard and pure white |
Harvesting: | 90 -95 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | Excellent self blanching leaf character which over the curd up to 2.0 kg weight. |
Sowing Time: | September to November |
Plant: | Early Maturity |
Head Shape: | Round compact average weight 500-800 Gms, wrapped in 3-4 tender leaves |
Specifications: | Head formation 100%, suitable for May to December sowing as per climatic conditions. |
Harvesting: | After 40 -45 days from transplanting |
Plant: | Early Maturity |
Head Shape: | Round compact average weight 800 Gms to 1.0 kg, wrapped in 4-5 tender leaves |
Specifications: | Head formation 100%, suitable for May to December sowing as per climatic conditions. |
Harvesting: | After 60 -70 days from transplanting |
Plant: | Medium Maturity |
Head Shape: | Round compact average weight 1.0 -1.5 kg, wrapped in 5-6 cup shaped small leaves |
Specifications: | Heads have clear white interior, uniform, suitable for May to December sowing as per climatic conditions. |
Harvesting: | After 70 -75 days from transplanting |
Plant: | Late Maturity |
Head Shape: | Round compact average weight 1.5 -2.0 kg, wrapped in cup shaped and dark green leaves which are bigger in size as compare to Golden Acre |
Specification: | Heads uniform, suitable for May to December sowing as per climatic conditions. |
Harvesting: | After 70 -75 days from transplanting |
Plant: | Medium Maturity |
Head Shape: | Round compact average weight 1.2 -1.4 kg, wrapped in 5-6 leaves |
Specifications: | Heads white from inside, very uniform, suitable for August to October sowing |
Harvesting: | 80-90 days after transplanting |
Sowing time: | August to October |
Bulb color: | Dark Red and flat globe in shape |
Specifications: | weight around 100-120 gms, can be stored for long time. |
Maturity: | matures in 135-140 days after sowing |
Sowing time: | Year round as per local climate conditions and sowing pattern |
Bulb color: | Bronze Red |
Specifications: | Flattish round in shape, 80-100 Gms, less pungent, good keeping quality |
Maturity: | Matures in 135-140 days from sowing |
Sowing time: | Year round as per local climate conditions and sowing pattern |
Bulb color: | Red |
Specifications: | Flattish round in shape, 80-100 Gms, Moderately pungent |
Maturity: | Matures in 150-160 days from sowing |
Sowing time: | Year round as per local climate conditions and sowing pattern |
Bulb color: | blackish Red |
Specifications: | Flattish Round in shape, 80-90 Gms, water content high |
Maturity: | Matures in 135-140 days from sowing |
Specification: | Fetches premium price in market because of blackish red color. |
Sowing time: | Year round as per local climate conditions and sowing pattern |
Bulb color: | Light Red |
Specifications: | Round in shape, weight around 150 gms, can be stored for long time. |
Maturity: | Matures in 150-160 days |
Sowing time: | Year round as per local climatic condition and sowing pattern |
Plant Character: | Plants erect with fewer side branches |
Leaf character: | Broad with light green colour. |
No. of cutting: | 1-2 if sown in winters. |
Sowing time: | Year round expect January and February which is the bolting time. |
Plant Character: | Plants erect with fewer side branches |
Leaf character: | light green, very fragrant. |
No. of cutting: | 4-5 cutting can be taken if sown in early winters |
Sowing time: | Year round expect bolting time i.e. April to May when temperature is around 35 °C thus very late bolting variety |
Plant Character: | Plants bustry, profused tillering, vigorous vegetative growth. |
Leaf character: | Board, dark green, very fragrant, eatable even after bolting. |
Cutting: | Number of can be cutting can be taken if sown in early winter. |
Sowing time: | Year round expect bolting time i.e. April to May when temperature is around 35 °C thus very late bolting variety |
Plant Character: | Plants bustry, profused tillering, vigorous vegetative growth. |
Leaf character: | Board, dark green, very fragrant, eatable even after bolting. |
Cutting: | Number of can be cutting can be taken if sown in early winter. |
Sowing time: | Can be sown throughout the year especially in summers and rainy season. |
Plant Character: | Plants growth vigorous and bushy, profused tillering, side branches thick and succulent. |
Leaf character: | Board, shinning green, highly fragrant in comparison to any imported strain. |
Cutting: | Number of cutting can be taken if sown in October. |
Sowing time: | Year round sowing except bolting time i.e. May- june very late bolting variety. |
Plant Character: | Plants bushy, profused tillering, numerous side branches. |
Leaf character: | Board, dark green, very fragrant, leaves on side branches sellable even after bolting. |
Cutting: | Number of cutting can be taken till it bolts |
Sowing time: | Year round sowing except December to February which is its bolting time |
Root colour: | Pure white |
Curd Shape: | Dome, Creamish White |
Specification: | Uniform length, 7-8 inches long, Cylindrical in shape, smooth surface and sweet in taste. |
Maturity: | After 30-35 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | Year round sowing except December to February which is its bolting time |
Leaf character: | Unique short leaved, margins folded inwards like Palak leaves, spoon shaped |
Root colour: | Pure white |
Specifications: | 7-8 inches long, Cylindrical in shape, smooth surface and sweet in taste. |
Maturity: | After 30-35 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | Year round sowing except December to February which is its bolting time |
Curd Weight: | Up to 1 kg |
Leaf character: | Leaved short and curved inwards, dark green in colour |
Root colour: | Pure white from top to bottom and no green shoulders. |
Specification: | Uniform length 7-8 inches long, Cylindrical in shape, smooth surface and sweet in taste. |
Maturity: | After 30-35 days from sowing, because of shorter leaves more plants can be accommodated per unit area which increases yield. |
Sowing time: | Year round sowing except December to February which is its bolting time. |
Root colour: | Pure white |
Specification: | Uniform length 8-9 inches long, thin at nick, semi Cylindrical in shape, smooth surface and sweet in taste. |
Maturity: | After 30-35 days from sowing |
Sowing time: | Year round sowing except December to February which is its bolting time. |
Leaf character: | short Leaved inwards folded margins |
Root colour: | Pure white |
Specifications: | Uniform length 7-8 inches long, Cylindrical sweet in taste. |
Maturity: | After 30-35 days from sowing |
Sowing time: | March to December. |
Root colour: | Extra white |
Maturity: | 90 -95 days after transplanting | Sowing Time: | September to November |
Specifications: | After 40-45 days from sowing |
Sowing time: | Highly tolerant to hot and humid conditions i.e. suitable for May to October sowing. |
Root colour: | 1.5 to 2.0 kgs |
Curd Shape: | white |
Specifications: | Uniform length 10-12 inches long, tapering, slightly pungent, slight bend at top, sweet in taste. |
Maturity: | After 40-45 days from sowing |
Sowing time: | Highly tolerant to hot and humid conditions i.e. suitable for May to October sowing |
Root colour: | general acceptance because of extra white color. |
Specifications: | Uniform length 10-12 inches long, tapering, very sleek without much hair on root surface, sweet in taste. |
Maturity: | After 40-45 days from sowing |
Sowing time: | Year round sowing except January to March which is its bolting time |
Root colour: | Pure white |
Specifications: | Roots straight, 12-15 inches long, tapering, smooth surface, very sleek & attractive. Highly successful in high temperature, shelf life is much more ever after maturity. |
Maturity: | After 40-45 days from sowing |
Sowing time: | Suitable for June to November sowing |
Root colour: | Pink red in color with white flesh |
Specifications: | Uniform length 12-15 inches long, tapering, smooth surface, very sleek & attractive. Highly successful in high temperature, shelf life is much more ever after maturity . |
Maturity: | After 40-45 days from sowing |
Sowing time: | Suitable for June to November sowing. |
Root colour: | Upper half portion is pinkish red and lower half portion is white. |
Specifications: | Uniform length, 6-7 inches long, cylindrical button. |
Maturity: | After 35-40 days from sowing |
Sowing time: | June to November |
Root colour: | Upper 25% of portion is pinkish red and lower 75% is white |
Specifications: | : Roots 10-12 inches long, thicker from top and tapering from bottom. Leaves are broad, dark green, more in number and used for cooking. |
Maturity: | After 40-45 days from sowing |
Sowing time: | Suitable for June to November sowing. |
Root colour: | Pure white |
Specifications: | Roots 10-12 inches long, tender and tapering. Lesser and shorter leaves which permits dense sowing and ultimately higher yield. |
Maturity: | After 45 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | Suitable for August to December sowing |
Root colour: | Pure white |
Specifications: | Roots 10-12 inches long, straight, tapering. Excellent keeping quality. |
Maturity: | After 45-50 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | Suitable for May to February sowing |
Root colour: | Pure white |
Curd Shape: | Dome, very hard and pure white |
Harvesting: | 90 -95 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | Roots 10-12 inches long, very sleek, straight, tapering. Excellent keeping quality and can be kept for longer periods in the field even after maturity. Late bolting i.e. flowering. |
Maturity: | After 45-50 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | Suitable for September to November sowing. |
Root colour: | Pure white |
Specifications: | Roots 10-12 inches long, semi cylindrical, blunt at tip, smooth, mild pungent . |
Maturity: | After 45-50 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | Suitable for September to November sowing |
Root colour: | Pure white with slightly green shoulders |
Specifications: | Roots 10-12 inches long, semi tapering, mildly pungent in taste. |
Maturity | After 45 days from sowing. |
Plant: | Late Maturity, excellent strain in Snow Ball group |
Curd Weight: | 1.5 to 2.0 kg |
Curd Shape: | Dome, very hard and pure white |
Harvesting: | 90 -95 days after transplanting |
Specifications: | Excellent self blanching leaf character which over the curd up to 2.0 kg weight. |
Sowing Time: | September to November |
Sowing time: | Suitable for December onward except bolting time i.e. April to May. |
Root colour: | Pure white |
Specifications: | Roots thin, 10-12 inches long, tender and crisp, slightly pungent and tapering. Lesser and shorter leaves which permits dense sowing and ultimately higher yield. |
Maturity: | After 40-45 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | Suitable for December to February sowing. |
Root colour: | Pure white |
Specifications: | Roots very uniform, sleek, almost straight, 10-12 inches thick and tapering in shape. Very late bolting i.e. April-May. Lesser and shorter leaves. |
Maturity: : | After 40-45 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | Year round (summer season preferred) |
Root colour: | Pure white |
Specifications: | Roots 10-12 inches long, tender and tapering. Lesser and shorter leaves which permits dense sowing and ultimately higher yield. |
Maturity: : | After 45 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | August to October sowing. |
Roots: | Red core, sweet, suitable for distant transportation. |
Maturity: | After 75-80 days from sowing.. |
Sowing time: | August to October sowing. |
Roots: | Sleek and tapering, 10-12 inches long dark red in colour. |
Specification: | Red core, sweet, suitable for distant transportation. |
Maturity: | Attains red colour in 70-80 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | August to October sowing. |
Roots: | Exceptionally sleek, tender tapering, 10-12 inches long and dark red in colour. |
Specification: | Red core, sweet, suitable for distant transportation. |
Maturity: | Attains red colour in 75-80 days |
Sowing time: | Thought out the year as per climatic conditions. |
Roots: | Pure cylindrical, blunt end, non hairy, uniform in shape. |
Root length: | 6-7 inches |
Root Color: | Deep orange |
Specification: | Sweet, Suitable for distant transportation. |
Sowing time: | Grows well in summer for harvest in fall to winter. |
Roots: | Pure cylindrical, blunt end, non hairy, thick, uniform in shape. |
Root length: | 7-8 inches longs |
Root Color: | Deep orange |
Specification: | Sweet in taste, harvest after 110-120 days from sowing, suitable for distant transportation. |
Plant type: | Plant tall, and erect with single main stem. |
Sowing time: | Year round subject to local climate. |
Fruit characters: | Tender 4-6 inches long, 5 ridged, shinning green in colour. |
Harvesting: | After 45-50 days from sowing. |
Plant type: | Plant tall, well branched. |
Sowing time: | Year round subject to local climate. |
Fruit characters: | Dark green sleek, thin, 6-7 inches, 5 ridged, fit for late marketing without any grain visible from outside. Tolerant to YVMV. |
Harvesting: | After 45-50 days from sowing. |
Plant type: | Plant tall, well branched. |
Sowing time: | Year round subject to local climate. |
Fruit characters: | Dark green sleek, thin, 4-6 inches long but remain tender upto 7-8 inches, 5 ridged, no visibility of grains even at maturity. Tolerant to YVMV . |
Harvesting: | After 45-50 days from sowing |
Plant type: | Plant spread wider, profused tillering from lower portion and all side branches bear fruits. |
Sowing time: | Year round subject to local climate |
Fruit characters: | Dark green, slightly thick, 4-6 inches long, 5 ridged, very heavy yielder. |
Harvesting: | After 45-50 days from sowing |
Plant type: | Plant tall, well branched |
Sowing time: | Though out the Year as per climatic conditions. |
Fruit characters: | Dark green, sleek thin, 4-6 inches long, 5 ridged, no visibility of grains even at maturity, tolerant to yellow Mosaic virus. |
Harvesting: | After 45-50 days from sowing, heavy yielder |
Plant type: | Plants medium tall, well branched |
Sowing time: | Year round subject to local climate |
Fruit characters: | Light green, slightly thick, 5-6 inches, 7 ridged, tender. |
Harvesting: | After 45-50 days from sowing |
Plant type: | Dwarf |
Foliage: | Medium green, 5-6 limited leaves/knob with cut margins. |
Knobs: | Round, Light Green, Crispy, Sweet. |
Maturity: | After 60 days from transplanting . |
Plant type: | Vigorous |
Foliage: | Dark green, 5-6 broad leaves/knob. |
Knobs: | Larger, 400-500 gm in size, flattish round, light green, crispy, sweet. |
Maturity: | After 60-70 days from transplanting . |
Sowing time: | Year round sowing except bolting time |
Leaf: | Light green, tender, smooth and broad, no red pigmentation, leaf yield 25% more than All Green. |
Cuttings: | After 30 days, multiple cuttings can be taken according to sowing pattern. |
Specification: | Late Bolting |
Sowing time: | Year round sowing except bolting time i.e. January-February. |
Leaf: | Draw and limited in number |
Cuttings: | After 30 days, multiple cuttings can be taken according to sowing pattern. |
Sowing time: | Though out the year as per local climate |
Plants: | Dwarf and erect, tolerant to Powdery Mildew. |
Pods: | 4-5 inches long, 10-12 grains inside, dark green. |
Seeds: | Wrinkled and Sweet |
Maturity: | Mid maturity, after 60-65 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | Though out the year as per local climate. |
Plants: | Dwarf and erect |
Pods: | 4-5 inches long, 8-10 grains inside, dark green, slightly curved from bottom. |
Seeds: | Wrinkled and Sweet. |
Maturity: | Mid maturity, after 65-70 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | Though out the year as per local climate. |
Leaf: | Dwarf and erect, tolerant to Powdery Mildew |
Pods: | 4-5 inches long, 9-10 grains inside, attractive light green, very thin, almost round like finger. |
Seeds: | Wrinkled and Sweet |
Maturity: | Mid maturity, after 55-60 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Bears 2 fruits per node as short intermodal distance which result in very high yield. |
Sowing time: | Though out the year as per local climate. |
Leaf: | Tall and erect |
Pods: | Smooth, 4-5 inches long, 8-10 grains inside, dark green, slightly curved from bottom. |
Seeds: | Wrinkled and Sweet |
Maturity: | Mid maturity, after 70-75 days from sowing. |
Sowing time: | Though out the year as per local climate. |
Leaf: | Tall (3-3.5 feet) and erect. Tolerant to Powdery Mildew and Rust |
Pods: | Smooth, 4-5 inches long, slightly curved, 8-10 grains inside, dark green. |
Seeds: | Wrinkled and Sweet |
Maturity: | Late maturity, after 75-80 days from sowing. |
Plant type: | Medium tall, Profused branching, perennial in character (same plant prolong for 2-3 years) |
Fruit Color: | Dark Green and turns deep red at Maturity. |
Bearing habit: | Upright, 10-12 fruits/bunch,2.5 to 3.5 inches long. |
Pungency: | Highly pungent but tempting in taste. |
Specification: | Tolerant to leaf curl virus, suitable for distant market. |
Plant type: | Dwarf, Profused branching, perennial in character (same plant prolong for 2-3 years) |
Fruit Color: | Dark Green and turns deep red at Maturity. |
Bearing habit: | Upright, 15-20 fruits/bunch,3-4 inches long. |
Pungency: | Highly pungent but tempting in taste. |
Plant: | Determinate |
Fruit type: | Round, deep red, 4 lobed, acidic |
Average Weight: | 50-60 Gms |
First Picking: | After 60-65 days from transplanting. |
Specification: | Suitable for juice and ketch up |
Plant: | Determinate |
Fruit type: | Flatish round, uniform red, ribbed in character, acidic. |
Average Weight: | 50-60 Gms |
First Picking: | After 55-60 days from transplanting. |
Specification: | Suitable for juice and ketch up |
Plant: | Determinate |
Fruit type: | Flatish Round, 4-5 light ridges, dark red with green shoulder . |
Average Weight: | 70-80 Gms |
First Picking: | After 70-75 days from transplanting. |
Specification: | Good Keeping Quality |
Plant: | Determinate |
Fruit type: | Flatish round, smooth, dark red |
Average Weight: | 70-80 Gms |
First Picking: | After 70-75 days from transplanting. |
Specification: | Good Keeping Quality |
Plant: | Determinate |
Fruit type: | Pure uniform red, smooth, 4-5 fruits/bunch. |
Average Weight: | 70-80 Gms |
First Picking: | After 50-60 days from transplanting. |
Specification: | Suitable for long transportation due to thick and hard skin, longer shelf life. |
Plant: | Determinate |
Fruit type: | Oval, deep red, smooth and thick skin, 4-5 fruits/bunch |
Average Weight: | 80-100 Gms |
First Picking: | After 50-60 days from transplanting. |
Specification: | Suitable for long transportation due to thick and hard skin. |
Plant: | Determinate |
Fruit type: | Round deep red. |
Average Weight: | 80-100 Gms |
First Picking: | After 65-70 days from transplanting. |
Specification: | Suitable for juice and ketch up, skin hard thus suitable for distant transportation, very heavy fruiting. |
Plant type: | Pole type, long veins |
Pod character: | Green in colour, tender, almost straight, very sleek. |
Pod length: | 18 inches at marketable stage but can grow up to 2 feet length. |
First Picking: | After 60-65 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Suitable for round the year sowing, very heavy bearing. |
Seed color: | Brownish Red. |
Sowing time: | September to December |
Leaf: | Medium green, board (almost round in shape) |
Leaf stem: | Thin and well branched |
Cutting: | Multiple, Heavy Yielder. |
Seeds: | Very small with strong flavor. |
Sowing time: | Though out the year as per local climate conditions |
Leaf: | Light green, Elongated |
Leaf stem: | Thick and well branched. |
Seeds: | Big with strong flavour |
Sowing time: | June to July but can be sown little earlier in coastal regions. |
Fruit: | 8-10 inches, slightly compressed around neck |
Fruit colour: | Light green smooth |
First picking: | After 60-65 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Sweets in taste, very fleshy, lesser seeds inside, high yield, good keeping quality. |
Sowing time: | February-May |
Fruit Length: | 7-87 inches, straight |
Fruit colour: | Light green |
First Picking: | After 50-55 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Sweet in taste, high yield |
Plant: | Vigorous vines |
Sowing time: | Summer as well as rainy season |
First picking: | After 60-65 days from sowing |
Fruits: | Medium green, sleek and tender, capsule in shape with both ends round. |
Fruit length: | 10-12 inches long |
Specification: | Seeds small embedded in flesh, high yielding, suitable for distant transportation. |
Plant: | Long vines |
Sowing time: | Summer as well as rainy season |
First picking: | After 55-60 days from sowing |
Fruit: | Shinning light green, tender, bulb shaped |
Specification: | Bears fruits on each node, very heavy yielder. |
Plant: | Long vines |
Sowing time: | Summer as well as rainy season. |
First picking: | After 60-65 days from sowing . |
Fruit: | Medium green, sleek and tender |
Fruit length: | 18-20 inches long |
Specification: | Bears fruits on each node, very heavy yielder |
Plants: | Long vines, well branched |
Sowing time: | Summer as well as rainy season |
Fruit: | Dark green |
Fruit length: | 10-12 inches |
First picking: | After 50-55 days from sowing |
Specification: | Attractive fruits heavy yielder |
Plants: | Medium vines |
Sowing time: | Summer as well as rainy season. |
Fruit: | Dark green, spiny character, sleeks. |
Fruit length: | 5-6 inches long |
First picking: | After 55-60 days from sowing |
Plants: | Medium vines |
Sowing time: | Summer as well as rainy season |
Fruit: | Dark green, spiny character, sleeks |
Fruit length: | 5-6 inches long |
First picking: | After 55-60 days from sowing |
Specification: | High yielding, long fruiting cycle. |
Fruit color: | Shining dark black, calyx green in colour. |
Fruit shape: | Oblong |
Fruit Weight: | 200-250 Gms |
Maturity: | After 50-55 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Very tasty to eat, high yielding, few seeds embedded in flesh, tolerant to Bacterial Wilt. |
Fruit color: | Shining dark black, with green calyx |
Fruit shape: | Pure Round |
Fruit Weight: | Around 300 Gms |
Maturity: | After 60-65 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Fruits retain their black colour even at maturity, good for roasting (bhartha making), very heavy yield. |
Fruit color: | Blackish in colour, calyx green |
Fruit shape: | Oval |
Fruit Weight: | 60-80 Gms |
Maturity: | After 65-70 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Very heavy yielding, fruits bear in bunches. |
Fruit color: | Shining dark black, calyx green |
Fruit shape: | Oval Round, 6-7 inches long |
Fruit Weight: | 100-150 Gms |
Maturity: | After 65-70 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Fruit color does not fade even at maturity, very heavy yielding. |
Fruit color: | Deep Purple, calyx purplish green . |
Fruit shape: | Round |
Fruit Weight: | 200-250 Gms |
Maturity: | After 60-65 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Fruit color very attractive and retails its black colour till maturity, very heavy yielding, highly acceptable for roasting. |
Fruit color: | purplish black and shinning, calyx green, highly acceptable. |
Fruit shape: | Long |
Fruit Length: | 8-9 inches long |
Maturity: | After 65-70 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Fruit color very attractive does not fade even at maturity, bearing in bunches and very heavy yielding. |
Fruit color: | Green and shinning, calyx green, highly acceptable. |
Fruit shape: | Long |
Fruit Length: | 7-8 inches long |
Maturity: | After 65-70 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Fruit color very attractive and very heavy yielding. |
Root Shape: | Uniform globe |
Root Color: | Pure deep red |
Flesh color: | Dark red without inner white rings |
Specification: | Sweet in taste, very juicy, non pungent. |
Plant: | Tall (2.0-2.5 feet) |
Flower: | Orange and narangi in colour, very attractive, larger in size, center disk not visible, very heavy yielder. |
Sowing Time: | July to September, November to January. |
Maturity: | 70-75 days after transplanting |
Plant: | Tall (2.0-2.5 feet) |
Leaves: | Dark green, Oval and bigger in size. |
Specification: | Tolerant to Bacterial wilt and frost. Excellent for green fodder. | Days to Flowering: | 150 to 165 days from sowing. |
Plant: | 3.5 to 4.0 feet tall. Produces highly palatable forage rich in dry matter and proteins. |
Leaves: | Shining green, 8 to 10 inches in length. |
Specification: | Can be grown under varied climate condition and on variety of soils. Also withstand stressed conditions. |
Plant type | Pole type, long veins |
Pod character : | Light green in colour, flat, tender, almost straight, very sleek |
Pod Length : | 7-8 inches at marketable stage |
First picking : | After 50-60 days from sowing |
Specification : | Suitable for round the year sowing, very heavy bearing |
Seed Colour : | White |
Plant: | Dwarf, 1.5 to 2.0 feet height. |
Sowing time: | Year round as per climatic conditions. |
Pods: | Shinning green, fibreless, slightly curved at bottom. |
Pod Length: | 6-8 inches |
Seed Colour: | Chocolate brown |
First picking: | After 45-50 days from sowing. |
Plant: | Plants pure dwarf and bushy in both summer and winter season, 1.5 to 2.0 feet in height. |
Sowing time: | Though out the Year as per local climatic conditions. |
Pods: | Super fine, Shinning dark green, straight, very sleek and thread less even at maturity. |
Pod Length: | 8-9 inches |
Seed Colour: | White |
First picking: | After 45-50 days from sowing |
Specification: | Very Heavy yielder, long fruiting cycle. |
Sowing time: | September to November |
Plant type: | Bushy and dense vegetative growth |
Pod characters: | Light Green in colour, 14-18 inches long, almost straight. |
Specification: | Due to crisp pods, eating quality is very good. |
Plant: | Long vines |
Fruit color: | 10-12 inches long, sleek, straight |
Maturity: | Early |
Specification: | Eaten raw, high water content, very effect in hot climate. |
Plant: | 3.5 to 4.0 feet tall. |
Sowing time: | Suitable for summer and rainy season. |
Pod characters: | Pods are 4-5 inches long, shinning light green in color, very tender. |
Specification: | Very heavy bearing, first picking after 60 days from sowing, medium maturity. |
Plant type: | Dwart 1.5 to 2.0 feet |
Pod type: | Dark green, 10-12 inches, sleek, straight. |
First picking: | After 40-50 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Tolerant to Golden Mosiac, suitable for round the year sowing. |
Plant type: | Plant growth like vines. |
Plant Height: | 3.0 - 4.0 feet |
Pod color: | Light Green |
Pod Length: | 8-10 inches, sleek, straight. |
First picking: | After 50-55 days from sowing. |
Specification: | Suitable for round the year sowing. |
Sowing time: | February to March |
Fruit Picking: | After 90-95 days from sowing. |
Fruit type: | Almost round, yellow smooth skin with white green stripes, flesh salmon orange, very sweets and juicy. |
Average Weight: | 800gms to 1.0 kgs |
Specification: | Very sweet |
Sowing time: | February to March |
Fruit Picking: | After 90-95 days from sowing. |
Fruit type: | Round, Light brown with intense netting, flesh orange, sweet and juicy. |
Average Weight: | 800 Gms to 1 kg. |
Specification: | Good keeping quality, suitable for distant market. |
Sowing time: | February to March |
Plants: | Vigorous Veins |
Fruit size: | 80-100 Gms |
Fruit shape: | Pure Round |
Fruit color: | Yellowish green with faint green lines.. |
Flesh color: | White |
Specification: | Skin surface hairy, heavy yielding. |
Plant: | Long vines, Well branched |
Sowing time: | Summer as well as rainy season. |
First picking: | After 50-55 days from sowing . |
Fruit: | Dark green |
Fruit length: | 10-12 inches long |
Specification: | Attractive fruits High yielder |
Plants: | Long veins. |
Sowing time: | Summer as well as rainy season |
Fruit: | Shining green with uniform ridges, very sleek, straight, very fleshy and crisp. |
Fruit length: | 15-18 inches |
First picking: | After 40-50 days from sowing |
Specification: | Very attractive fruits, very high yielding. |
Sowing time: | February to May |
Plants: | Medium vines |
Fruits type: | Flattish round, 50-60 Gms in weight, shinning light green with white flesh |
Specification: | Skin surface hairy, heavy yielding. |
Plants: | Long vines, well branched |
Sowing time: | Summer as well as rainy season |
Fruit: | Flattish round with deep ridges. |
Fruit Skin: | Shinning dark green in colour with yellowish spots/netting all over, flesh yellowish orange. |
Fruit weight: | 3-4 kgs |
Specification: | Very attractive fruits, very high yielding, high tolerance to hot and humid condition. |
Root Shape: | Flattish round |
Root Color: | Half purple from top and bottom half white. |
Flesh: | White, sweet and crispy |
Harvest: | After 50-60 days. |
Specification: | Roots are eaten raw, pickled and cooked. |